Welcome to Blogan!

I’d like to introduce myself a little bit. My name is Miti and I’ve been trying to create blogs the last few years but somehow they’re always been forgotten until I found my passion.

I’ve been vegan over two years now and it wasn’t, well still not easy. Over the years I’ve met people who asked me ‘How am I doing?’ or ‘What do I eat?’ and they wanted me to advice them, help, guide them.

And what warms my heart is that I did have influence on people who left meat or dairy out of their plate, or just having less of those and more plant based food (which already a success for me because I can tell that the World we are living on is changing).

Then I started to think, if I’d just share my experience and the way I do live my vegan life, mistakes or down falls – believe me, I do have some- then I can help to people with the first steps maybe to change their lifestyle for the Animals, for the Health, for the Planet!

So, that is how Blogan.co.uk was born.

After all these months Blogan’s mission is changing and I can feel it deep inside that it will keep changing for something greater. This blog will cover all of my journeys, all the paths I take in fitness, veganism, blogging, and online business.

I am not a writer or journalist, English isn’t even my first language but I can’t wait until I master from books how to share my way of being vegan.

You can see nearly a daily posts on my Instagram account and weekly updates on YouTube channel or find me all other Social Media here.

Let’s change the World together!

