

I am searching… Searching for a way to put myself back together again so I am no longer inhibited by the past or terrified by…

Miti’s Talk | HiiTLife | 05 | Muddy Path

Miti’s Talk | HiiTLife | 05 | Muddy Path

Hey you beautiful peeps.   I need to work better on sharing my videos on the same day as I meant to.. And I promise…

Miti’s Talk | HiiTLife | 03 ‘Awakening”

Miti’s Talk | HiiTLife | 03 ‘Awakening”

‘Awakening’ Yesterday Morning, I’ve got up, did a few minutes yoga/stretching and I was out! Went for a 2 hours walk. Watched the sunrise, connected…

Miti’s Talk | HiiTLife | 02 Beliefs

Miti’s Talk | HiiTLife | 02 Beliefs

Miti’s Talk is BACK. Beliefs I found an article I wrote back in November 2018 and I never shared it. Today I went through it…

Memory Lane 20

Memory Lane 20

Alright-y then.. Hello 2021! What a year behind, huh? But let’s stop with the dwelling and try to focus on the positives.. I’d say the…



A few months ago I started to see 1111 everywhere and every day. About a month ago or so, it has stopped. But I don’t…

HiiTLife | 01 | Potential

***DRUM ROLL PLEASE***   I know, I know.. Me and my series  🙂 But the original series I dreamt about over 2 years ago –…