As you may already may know I dedicated myself to post on a daily basis. I came up with the idea two days before New Years that I’m going to read Napoleon Hill’s 365 Positive Action Plan and

I am going to share those short messages.

As a pre-365 post I wrote an Overview about it all – what you can read Here – but to be short: I want to become someone who is successful, confident, more knowledgeable, more consistence in everything.

So, what these 365 posts has to do with me? Those posts are messages, lessons what helps me changing my mindset to create the life I love. I am building my character,

becoming the person I need to be to achieve my goals.

In one an a half month I’ve changed a lot, I post on a daily basis – sometimes more in one day; and this is huge for me.

The biggest promise I made for myself is creating content on a daily basis; 6 days a week I woke up between 3.30 – 4.30 am to do some work a couple of hours before gym/work, or even on my days off.

There is still a lot to learn or change in a sense, but it really feels like: I’ve got this!

I am working on creating my brand, to build a business in the online space; building an organic audience takes a lot of energy and time to post on 6+ Social Media Platforms other then my blog.

I’m using WordPress as my blog (website) platform, I’ve used Wix before, as a platform and host; but I found WordPress is much more powerful and I can get much more out of it then Wix.

But the whole reason for this post is how do I manage that ONE post on to send 6 Social Media Platforms without spending on one blog post from scratch to editing a picture and

share it everywhere else (which was over an hour for me at the beginning).

I have a 16 months old baby girl, a girlfriend and a full time job, for only this task 1+ hour didn’t work very well, as I was pressuring myself over this, and worry about the girls.

But I promised myself I’m going to do this, so to stop the whole thing wasn’t an option.

So, I had to ask myself: how could I make this work? Most be there something what can help me get this thing in control?

And then I did my research and I came across a several plugins that can help me organise my posts and schedule them to be share whenever I’d like to be shared.

Because, this is what I was needed: work on my posts, get them ready to be shared, but I didn’t want to focus on that only: to wake up and copy+paste one blog post (and edit it for different social media platforms),

even if I’ve got the post ready ahead it takes up to 30 minutes to do it.

But why can’t I spend 30+ minutes on these individual blog posts every day if I wake up that early? – you may ask.

It is a very good question: as I mentioned before I want to create a business and to do so there is a lot of prepping work before that and I need time to do so.

Why do I need the blog for that? For one: I always wanted to be a good blogger, and because having a business online – the type I’m working on- needs to have a strong online present.

In January I did work a lot on the business and the blog. Took too much time away from my family, and I ended up focusing on the blog only, not on both and I felt I need some kind of support.

I had to look around if is there any software that can help me set up a semi-automatic system and schedule my posts on all my Social Media Platforms.

There are a lot of software like that but the subscriptions are very high for me (such as $800 a year). – I don’t have that kind of money for this. I had to found something what is good and fits into my budget.

So for a month I used a trial version of a plugin that helps me schedule my posts to all the Social Media Platforms I use. That cost me £53+VAT/annual.


OnWordPress itself has an option to share straight away on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn which would work (didn’t seem to work all the time), however I needed to be shared on Instagram too.

I still need to dive deep into the plugin to know it in and out but right now all I do is getting my posts ready ahead and autopost it whenever I want them. 


Blog2SocialThat requires me to do a few hours a week still but doesn’t matter when I do it because I am already 2 weeks ahead and I aim for a month and I know I’ll make that happen.

I have a lot things to do, to create my business and I have so many project which are all connecting. With this plugin I can focus on those tasks too. Blog2Social is a plugin for WordPress and is really does the job.

Let me paint you how I am using it.

I’d like to collect all my posts in ONENOTE (Microsoft, it’s syncs to my phone so I can edit any of my draft easily – I’m using Office 365 which allows me work with it anywhere.

Than I copy them to my blog – most of the time on my phone and creating pictures for them and add the featured picture to my post.

After that – other day or time of the day- I go to my PC and schedule the post for the day I need the post to be shared (I don’t like to do that on my phone for some reason).

Than later, I go to Blog2Social Plugin within WordPress and start editing all of my individual Social Media Posts.

I’m sure you are aware of the different styles on different Social Media; I’m not an expert about of it but I’m sure I try to pay attention what works or not, and what’s working for me and what is not.

After editing all Social Media post for my liking, all I have to do is save and press share.

And it will share on the day and time I want it to.



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(individual request to Blog2Social Business on +49  2181 7569-277 or


Below you can see all Blog2Social features:

I’m using SMART and I love the time I can save for myself!

