Plant Power

Plant Power   Well, well, well…. I am back Baby! Started a program what will put me into shape. And as in lockdown I chose…

Pull Up Like A Pro

Pull Up Like A Pro

One of my biggest dream is that to having the feeling of empowerment that comes with being able to lift ny own bodyweight. And of…



A toe but not me. Had a bit of an accident 2 weeks ago. My toe and my bed’s leg had a disagreement one day,…



The last couple of days (more like a week) I have a very low level of liking myself. (and that is a very ‘Brexit’ way…

Pump Gym – LBB

Pump Gym – LBB

Our second stop and second episode of Life Behind Bars series was at PUMP GYM Colchester. For a start: has parking again, which is good.…

Wolf Run 2020

Wolf Run 2020

While I’m doing my auntie duties I also go to chance for some #wolfrun training. I’ve been told I never gonna be ready for it…

ABSolute Workout

ABSolute Workout

I’ve been asking around much more experienced people, who are either personal trainers or who are into this gym game longer then me to how…

Anytime Fitness – LBB

Our first stop and first episode of Life Behind Bars blogan series was Anytime Fitness, Haven Road in Colchester. For a starter: The Gym has…

Life Behind Bars

Life Behind Bars

Life Behind Bars is a (vlogan) blogan series where I share my journey of searching the best of all gyms around Colchester. Discovering gyms or…

Who Do I see?

Who Do I see?

When I look into The Mirror Now versus Six Months ago….. I think it’s time for me to look back on my last 6 months.…