This series is totally separated form Generation Q, as the name indicates Generation Q is a limited series with no set numbers of episodes, it will roll until I doesn’t. Generation Q was my jumping point, an excuse, if you like to release my podcast.  As I mentioned like a million times that hosting a podcast is one of my dream and I used this crisis to create Generation Q  and step out of my comfort zone.

And this is actually about HiiT Life. The original subtitle of Miti’s Talk. I figured that giving sub- categories, series to the main podcast allows me to dive into deeper to different interesting subjects.

Felt that the time has come to bring HiiiTLife series alive. As the name indicates to the HIIT workout – High Intensity Interval Training is, for me the hardest type of workout, it requires a lot of practice of the movements, breathing techniques and finding myself limited by it which makes me want to break through it and feel free. Just like in life. We live our lives through limits and battles but we are keep going until we break through and set out another, new destinations.

HiiTLife is covering my personal growth, what helps me to grow.

But don’t be confused by how I number the entries as its continues regardless to the series name.

I’ve written a few blog post on which I wanted to create a video and audio version as well so I’ll be able to reach more people with my content.

And this is I’ll be doing. Going through my previous contents to re-create the message.


Stay Tuned, because the topics are very powerful 🙂


