Couple of years ago I did yoga much more often then these days, which really helped to reduce my back pain.

But I still stopped doing yoga for some reason.

Then last week I started to do a bit yoga again and it made me feel so good in my body.

One of my previous post I’m writing about how important to stretch after each workout session and I always taking my time on that by doing yoga poses.

I’m developing a morning ritual and yoga is one of the main part of that.

When I’m able to do my morning ritual I noticed that how much positive difference it has on rest of my day (sadly I couldn’t manage to make it happen every morning yet).

I’ll be sharing more about me practicing yoga as well as my fitness. This is a something ‘old – new’ thing that I’m getting myself into but this thing- yoga- helping not just my body but my soul too.

I’ll keep discipline in that to create a habit and do yoga every day for at least 10 minutes – believe me, it’s an awesome way to stretch my body and start the day :).

The following quote is an absolute truth at this point of my life and I’ll leave you with that for today:

Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change,nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they’re meant to be.

-B.K.S. Lyengar


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