The first Quarter of 2019 is almost over and I haven’t been much on social media because of so many changes has happened in 3 months.

For a starter.. I’m sure I wrote about it a bit in another post that on New Year’s Eve I’ve had some realisations which were key to making peace with myself in so many aspects in my life at that moment.

If you did follow my blog before you do know me a little bit… the way I was seeing myself and the way I felt about myself. The negativity towards my own self and my whole life..

I changed since then but I’m still not there where I want to be.

So, on that night I was in peace finally, I’ve got to the point when I actually didn’t hate myself and accepted who I was then.

I figured, you need acceptance in order to be able to make changes in your life. There is no other way.

I can say that my new year started the best it could have been.

I accepted my life, who I am and what I have to do to become who I’d like to be.

Accepted to be alone, single after 13 years. And I felt free and happy, felt in control of life and of myself first time in my life.

Then something unexpected happened… I met someone who turned everything around.

I genuinely think that she is the most wonderful person I could have meet in this life.

She is all I ever asked for: best partner who supports me in everything, we laugh on the same things, she listens to my stories, she is accepting me the way I am and she is the a kind of friend who just as silly as me.

We created a partnership very early in our life together.
We’re building a very strong relationship to be the best parents to our Joie a.k.a Carrot.

Yes, I’ve got 2 beautiful girl with one purchase :).

Not long ago I wasn’t even thinking about being in a relationship and well, from nowhere happend to have a family.

A dream unexpectedly came true.

To being a part of a family setting my priorities right and it’s something I need to learn still to be a best partner and parent.

And to achieve that I have to make sure I work on myself.

I’m more then ever working on my personal growth because I’m creating the person I want to become and creating my success, my life I want to live.

Working on many things in order to make my daily life easy, productive and still be able to spend quality time with my family.
This isn’t an easy task but possible.

Learning setting goals – and work on them, how to be productive, working on new and amazing habits like a morning ritual.

I won’t lie it’s much harder to create a system, a balance between work and family. Especially I’m working in Hospitality where I can’t create a routine as my days and weeks never the same.

Recently-most of the days I wake up very early even on my days off (between 5 and 6 am) while my ladies are still sleeping so I can have my ‘Me Time‘ and I can spend quality time with my girls for the rest of our day.

But to doing so it’s making changes in my biological clock.. because some days having early shifts then next day a late one..

So that’s a challenge.

And of course fit my training into… to be honest had slow down a bit and not got to 6 times a week right now as I did before. But I’m making sure its 3 to 4 times.

Yes, I have started a new training program, a very different form my previous once which I won’t go into details but I can tell is very challenging and I’m learning so much about my body.

The first Quarter of the year was full with unexpected turns, find new methods with I’ll be creating the life I want to live.

I’m certainly looking forward to the next three months because I have a beautiful family and I know how to apply those methods to achieve my goals.

I want to dedicate the last few words to my wonderful girlfriend who is sttlanding on my side and supporting me all the way on my journey in my fitness,my personal growth and building a business.

Thank you Baby.

Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

-Brian Tracy



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